Solar and wind powered yacht doubles as a submarine

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What if you could enjoy cruising and getting up close and personal with the underground water world using just one vessel? Well, the “Landscape” promises just that. This magnificently large yacht not only offers all the luxurious and comfortable sailing, but also submerges like a submarine. Designed by Jun Han Song, the ship features a sun deck, a lounge and dining area under a canopy, a giant main deck with open floor, cabins, galley, conference room and a staircase that goes directly into the sea.

This 75-meter trimaran powered by wind and solar energy has a canopy attached to the masts, which not only protects the passengers from direct sun and rain, but also serves as lighting for parties during the night. It features Vertical Axis Wind Turbines in the masts that generate electric energy to propel the yacht or to power lights and other electronics on the yacht. Several solar panels installed on the top surface of the upper forward deck, the staircase, and the canopy also help in powering the ship.

The spiral staircase that connects the bridges on the upper and with each other by creates the island-like landscape. When you wish to explore the water, you can easily transform the vessel into a submarine by simply filling up the water tanks, which helps the vessel to submerge. As soon as the yacht sinks in water, the staircases slide down mimicking a sand beach allowing water accessibility and ocean interaction. After it submerges, the boat releases two tender docks that can be slid out from the boat.

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