Shweeb wins a million bucks in the Google 10^100 competition

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Google Inc. initiated Project 10^100 has recently crowned “Shweeb” as the winner out of over 150,000 entries. The search engine called for ideas to change the world by helping as many people as possible. The idea that succeeded in wooing the judges is that of a monorail for human-powered vehicles. The Shweeb comprises of two 200-metre long overhead rail circuits that vary in height between two and four meters above the ground. The high performance pedal powered vehicles hang right below the tracks.

Conceived in Tokyo by designer Geoffrey Barnett, the Shweeb seems more suited for a theme park than a viable transport system. So, the adventure park ride has been installed within the grounds of the world famous Agrodome near Rotorua in New Zealand, where people enjoying racing each other. Part of the Agroventures all weather adventure centre, the Shweeb Race thru Space adventure park ride is partially a proof-of-concept for an ingenious, high efficiency, no emission urban transport system.

The pods’ efficient aerodynamic shape, less frontal area and low-resistance tracks allows riders to reach up to speeds of 45kmh and on a longer circuit with a much longer straight, much higher speeds can be expected. Unlike a bike or motorcycle, there is no danger of losing traction and crashing, thanks to its ability to swing out as much as 60 degrees even on tight turns. This safe, silent and sustainable mean of transport is any day better than those carbon emitting guzzlers.

Shweeb Promo clip

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