I'm happy to post this invitation from David Cray to take part in their blog survey, although I think their estimate of 10 to 15 minutes to complete the survey can be a tad optimistic if you give consideration your replies.
'We are three professors at Carleton University who have spoken to bloggers at wine blogging conferences in the US and Europe to find out how they view their work and their audiences . Using this information we have now put together a survey which examines why people create and read blogs, what they look for in wine blogs and what kinds of wine blogs appeal to them. Since yours is a well-known blog, we would like to have you fill out this survey which should take about 15 minutes. To encourage participation the name of everyone who completes the survey will go into a draw with the winner receiving a $500 gift certificate at the wine store of their choice. Those who complete the survey before December 15 will go into an additional draw for a $100 gift certificate. The questionnaire is at http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/SZ76K86.
We would also ask that you post a notice of this survey on your blog site so that we can receive responses from your many readers.
Thanks for your help.
David Cray
Associate Professor
Sprott School of Business, Ottawa'