Forest Hill, London SE23: more snow pics

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A tree in Little Brownings

It is always noticeable that a slight difference in height can make quite a considerable difference to the amount of snow that falls. As CRM headed off to Reading this morning, the snow virtually disappeared by Peckham and there was none on the other side of the Thames. Equally nothing in Reading. Once again the north Kent coast, this time extending into south London, shows that this area is prone to snow.

Going out this afternoon after the snow eased it was clear that more had fallen around the top of Sydenham Rise and Kirkdale than a little lower down in Forest Hill.

A warning of bad weather to come in the coach Sunday from Suvereto to Pisa

Across London: Dawson Heights towards Stratford etc.
Towards the Hornimans Museum and beyond
Trees in Little Brownings

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