BoxWave Keyboard Buddy protects and gives your iPhone a QWERTY ke

posted by sooyup

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I think this is a totally awesome idea by BoxWave who made the new Keyboard Buddy. This product is a case for your iPhone and also converts your iPhone into a phone with a slide out qwerty keyboard. It connects with bluetooth to your iPhone and protects it at the same time. The keyboard will only cover the back of your iPhone so don’t rely on it to protect your actual screen. I believe this is a great idea for those people who are touch challenged who aren’t able to use the keyboard on the iPhone’s screen.

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The Keyboard Buddy is cut out to provide space for the touchscreen and also designed so that all of the iPhone’s controls are easily accessible by the user. The BoxWave Keyboard Buddy comes with a charging cable so that you are able to charge it up. The price for this latest iPhone gadget is $69.99.

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