Tokyo man builds a home in a space designed for parking

posted by sooyup

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Some of you might remember when we reported on the Hong Kong man that built a Domestic Transformer that could turn a 344-foot space into a 24-room house.

This man, Fuyuhito Moriya, has applied principles of some space-saving technology to his small house in Tokyo. This is a 30 square meter plot of land that was originally designed to be a parking space, but is now a three story house for two.

As you might have guessed, things are pretty crammed with appliances under counters and many other compact enhancements designed to decrease space as much as possible. It reminds me of Bruce Willis’ apartment in The Fifth Element.

Since he was unable to expand horizontally, there was nowhere to go but up. He designed a special circular stairwell based on a triangle and not a circle, which allowed for a tighter diameter. In order to increase the feeling of space, the architect installed big windows to let in more light, so it wouldn’t feel like living in a tuna can.

The overall cost for this parking lot home was about $500,000. Considering the price of property in the big city, not to mention overcrowding, this could be the way of the future, a very cramped future.

Go ahead and click on my Source link if you would like to see a CNN video where a reporter visits this tiny house.

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