See Em Why, Kay The Colored Pen Concept for Designers

posted by sooyup

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CMYK are four letters near and dear to the heart of every designer and artist. They represent the four colors used in color printing: cyan, magenta, yellow and black. In fact, anyone who has ever worked with printing orprint design probably dreams in these four colors. Designers Roma Lubimov and Sergey Safronov take a humorous approach to the omnipresent hues by redesigning the classic multiple-color pen with designers in mind.

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Rather than the usual blue, black, green and red inks one would normally find in a multi-color ink pen, the designers have changed it up a bit to include CMYK inks. Although no description of the conceptual pen’s function is provided, it looks like only one color could be used at a time.

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The CMYK pen may not be the most useful writing utensil in the designer’s pencil box, but it’s definitely worth the giggles that it would induce in anyone who has a hard time not deconstructing every color he or she sees in real life into these four distinctive shades.

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