Two bankers@the RSJ Restaurant Friday 19th November 2010

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2002 Le Mont demi-sec, Vouvray, Huet

Dinner for four at the RSJ on Friday night. I suppose you could accuse me of playing safe with my wine choices that night – tant pis!

For our apero and the first course (my potted shrimps were excellent) we had the 2002 Le Mont demi-sec from Domaine Huet. Once again it confirmed what a lovely vintage 2002 is, especially for the whites. Curiously on first taste this Le Mont seemed to lack acidity but that was only very briefly a concern as the wine opened up in glass and showed all the balance associated with 2002. Sweetness, fruit and acidity are all here in seamless balance.

On the red side there were several possibilities that attracted me but we opted for Yannick's 2006 La Petite Cave and its lovely soft, opulence. Probably not such a long keeper as the 2005s but with its concentrated soft fruit a real pleaser at the moment – ideal with my roast guinea fowl.

2006 La Petite Cave, Bourgueil, Yannick Amirault

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