Matthew Jukes: Wine Rules, Melbourne 21st November

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Homeless in London@outside a tube station 

If you happen to be in Melbourne (Australia) this Sunday, go along to Wine Rules held in Albert Park and help to raise money for the homeless

The excellent initiative is the brain child of wine writer Matthew Jukes, who started a similar initiative in Adelaide in 2005. It's an opportunity to taste the local wine, while watching teams from the wineries playing touch rugby.   

From Wine Rules site:

'Matthew Jukes - brings Wine Rules to Victoria
My passion for Aussie wine is unquantifiable – Australia is quite simply the most exciting winemaking country in the world and I believe that the wines are the finest value on the planet.

I often feel that I owe Australia a great debt of gratitude for welcoming me into its great winey heart so enthusiastically. And one morning in Adelaide I figured out exactly what I could do to make a difference. I found by walking around the city, that there was a disproportionately large number of homeless people sleeping rough. This, I discovered, was true of other Aussie cities. I have always felt that homelessness is one of society's biggest single issues and in Australia, with its beautiful people and seemingly wonderful healthy lifestyle, homelessness seemed to me even more unforgivable.

I came up with the idea of a wine-tasting event, with winery sponsored footy teams going head-to-head. That was in 2005 and Touch Wine in Adelaide has raised significant funds for Hutt Street and the wine trade has taken this initiative to heart. Now we are bringing this to Melbourne.'

For more information see

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