France: organic viticulture growing strongly + Thierry Puzelat video

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Le bio en forte croissance
Fin 2009 la surface revendiquée par les vignerons français en viticulture biologique (ou en conversion) atteignait 39 000 ha. Un chiffre qui a doublé en 4 ans, et qui a été multiplié par 8 en 14 ans. Le nombre d’exploitations engagées en bio a augmenté de 31 % en une année, pour 3024 exploitations recensées fin 2009. 

The article doesn't mention the Loire, where organic viticulture has long been well represented. Apparently the biggest increases have been seen in Languedoc-Roussillon (12 661 ha, + 52 % compared to 2008), Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur (8 981 ha, + 35 %) and Aquitaine (5 464 ha, + 45 %).


Thierry Puzelat

The Guardian has a video of the 2010 harvest at Domaine du Tué-Boeuf with Thierry Puzelat, which also stars Henrietta Lovell in fetching red. She is modelling some of the latest bio-vêtements. It is a recent discovery that wearing bright colours and patterns can deter unwanted insects and birds from invading vineyards. Red is particularly effective during the harvest in deterring ravenous birds from feasting on the ripe grapes.

Floral vineyard@Clos Roche Blanche

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