A Majestic Loire selection

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2009 Coteaux du Giennois (Blanc) Domaine de Villargeau

Staying with  friends overnight in the countryside near Derby, who kindly went to  their local Majestic  in Derby and bought selection of Loire wines for us to try. Apparently when they commented that they were impressed with the range of Loires carried by Majestic, the salesman said that someone had been in a few days previously complaining that the selection was poor. 

Over lunch we tried a couple. Firstly the attractively vibrant and citric 2009 Coteaux du Giennois (100% Sauvignon Blanc) from Domaine de Villargeau but with some of the weight of 2009. Would certainly make a good aperitif.  

2007 Les Cinq Climats, Cabernet Franc, Charles Joguet

Then onto Charles Joguet's 2007 Les Cinq Climats, Chinon. This 2007 is drinking very well now. As you would expect given the vintage and the cuvée, which I think is a another name for the entry level Cuvée Terroir. (Will have to check this.) Medium weight with soft, red fruits, this was a good match with the home-made terrine. Best served lightly chilled. 

Our friends also bought a Cheverny and a Sancerre – all from good growers – without exhausting Majestic's Loire selection, so the criticism that Majestic don't have much of a Loire range is misplaced.   

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