When Worlds Collide 3 Geeky Gangsta Gadget Concepts

posted by sooyup

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Geeks aren’t so far removed from gangstas in the grand scheme of things. Both groups are fiercely loyal, they both enjoy a good rap, and they’re all about the bling. Geek bling and gangsta bling don’t often intersect, but when they do it’s a thing of true beauty. That’s just what happened when the now-defunct Sync Magazine contacted designer Kristin Verby and her company Whiteboard Product Solutions a few years ago, asking for photos of gangsta gadgets. The above “Remote Glock” was just one of the brilliant products the team came up with.

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But our favorite has to be the “Boombox Sneakers.” Never mind that it would be totally impractical to have a CD tray and a whole set of speakers in your shoes; they would still be the awesomest shoes ever seen in either the geek or gangsta world.

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The “R. Kelly Shower Head” was the raciest of the renders, and the savvy reader will note that it is, in fact, a golden showerhead. Take a closer look and you’ll see a tiny camera lens peeking out from the center – a detail that makes this concept just as creepy as it is funny. Luckily for us, none of these pretend products have even the slightest chance of actually being produced.

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